Dr. Haroon Khan

“When things get tough, the tough get going”


Dear Students,
It is very well said that “A very good beginning always a very good ending.” Hence, we welcome all the future aspirants of pharmacy programme to Harsha Institute of Pharmacy in order to build their career in the field of medicine. As you all know that the Institute was started in E018, we put our best efforts to create such an infrastructure which is modern and promising for our current and future students. Moreover, we have also appointed the highly qualified and experienced teaching and supporting staff members who are the back-bone of our entire teaching process. Discipline at Harsha Institute of Pharmacy is of prime importance and there is a strict prohibition against the use of tobacco and smoking. Cleanliness is strictly maintained to retain the ambience of the HIP Campus. HIP Campus will set an example for all the AKTU pharmacy Institutes in the Uttar Pradesh with its recognition for the Excellence in Pharmaceutical education. HJSS Society’s Harsha Institute of Pharmacy is a well-established diploma/degree college with good infrastructure facilities. Students at HIP have been consistently excelling in all the aspects of their life. Needless to say keeping with the campus tradition of developing all-round personalities, students and staff are encouraged to attend several State and National conferences, seminars and workshops. Guest lectures, debates, elocution competitions, plays, excursion, study tours, contests and sports events are planned systematically to be organized every year. We believe that the students leaving this campus should leave with confidence in their abilities, a sense of responsibility towards nation and be fully equipped to face the challenges of pharmacy profession. The Institution has come a long way and grown with leaps and bounds from one milestone to another and will grow further due to the devotion of teaching faculty and dedication of students and non-teaching staff.